Editorial Policy

Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that the authors have not violated any ethical practice followed in the preparation and publication of biomedical manuscripts. The list of practices that are considered unethical is given on the journal's website. Author/s is/are responsible for all the statements made in their work and should be willing to defend them publicly if challenged. Authors should prepare their manuscripts submitted to the journal exactly according to the instructions given. Manuscripts that do not follow the format and style of the journal may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected. The journal reserves the right to make any further formal changes and language corrections necessary in a manuscript accepted for publication. Manuscripts and figures are not returned to the authors, not even upon rejection of the paper.


JoS Author Guidelines 2023

Manuscript sections for articles types:

Journal of Science accept the articles in the subject domains of Hypothesis, in-silico models, Molecular docking, Molecular Dynamics, Bioinformatics, Computational science, Genomics, Proteomics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental science, Chemistry, Physics, Microbiology, Plant and Animal science and all areas of Medical science. But we are not limited to these areas only. We welcome article with high selectivity.


Points to Remember

·        A submitted article is original work which has not been previously published nor is under consideration by another journal, in part or whole and free from any plagiarism;

·        The article meets all applicable standards of ethics;

·        The paper is relevant to the journal’s aims, scope, and readership;

·        A submitted article presents original research findings;

·        A submitted review article (or similar) offers a comprehensive critical review and evaluation of key

Literature sources for a given topic; and

·        The article is methodologically and technically sound.


Author guidelines:


·        Please follow the author guidelines carefully.

·        All submissions should strictly be prepared per author guidelines.

·        This will avoid delay in processing.

·        Manuscripts will be returned immediately if it is NOT formatted as per author guidelines.

Preparing manuscript text:


File formats:

The following file formats are acceptable:

·        Doc or PDF (Adobe Acrobat).

·        The manuscript including tables and figures should be prepared as a single file in PDF format. The figures and tables should be appended in the text.

·        Title format= The paper title is with font size 14, “times new roman” and bold.

·        Authors name= The authors name in “times new roman”, font size 11 and bold

·        The Authors affiliation = the Authors affiliation with contact information with font size 7, “times new roman”.

·        The corresponding author must include email address and phone no.

·        Abstract= The Abstract should be in Cambria, 9, italic and bold with word count 300. Text spacing SINGLE and 1.


File Name:

The file should be named by the "surname_firstname_JoS_year" of the corresponding author with the PDF file format extension.


Please read the descriptions for each of the article types, choose which is appropriate for your article and structure it accordingly.



IMPORTANT: Preparation of text:

Paper should prepare in double column format with text font of “times new roman”  font size 12 and text spacing is, SINGLE and 1.


Preparing illustrations and figures/Tables for accepted articles:

The following file formats are accepted with high resolution of 200dpi:

·        JPEG

·        PNG

·        TIFF

The figure should be cited in text with Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.




All tables should be in Microsoft Word and inserted in the text Table 1.

Table 1: Your table title.


Published data:

Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere.


Referencing style:

Referencing of most relevant journal articles are welcomed (please be highly specific in citing references) and should be numbered as they occur in the running text (ascending order). Referencing of unpublished data, book(s) chapters and conference materials are not allowed.



Authors list in references*:

[1]. Cava C, Bertoli G, Castiglioni I (2020); In-Silico discovery of candidate drugs against COVID-19. Viruses 12(4): 404. doi: 10.3390/v12040404


[2]. Clark DR, Jonathan EM, Kenneth B (2020); Clinical evidence does not support corticosteroid treatment for 2019-nCoV lung injury. Lancet 395(10223): 473-475.  doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30317-2


Book format: 


[2].  Pidwirny M. (2006); The Greenhouse Effect; Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition Scott Jones University of British Columbia Okanagan. 


References should be cited in the text with [1], [2,3] and [4-8] etc.




Suggest Potential Reviewers:

To speed up the review process please suggest the names (with contact details, email and fax number are appreciated) for a minimum of 5 potential reviewers while submitting your manuscript (please suggest reviewers who can provide a critical review on the subject of your manuscript and have worked on related subjects).


Processing Charge

There is no processing Charge.


Publication charge

The JOS will charge 1000 INR for publication charge.